1. Prepare and coordinate long-term budget planning and preparation of particular logistics budget.起草和协调长期的预算计划、特殊的物流预算.

2. Select, develop and implement cost effective, safe and timely logistical solutions based on the group and budget guidelines.基于公司预算额度, 挑选、改进并执行经济、安全和适时的后勤解决方案.

3. Direct subordinate staff and collaborate with supervisors of other departments to co-ordinate requests and resources; resolve serious grievances in all these processes.指导下属并与其它部门主管合作来协调运输申请和资源, 并且解决流程中的问题.

4. Participate and decide on selection process of logistic companies and warehouse renting aiming at the highest possible benefit in terms of service and cost.比较服务和成本, 参与对物流公司和租赁库房的筛选.

5. Ensure that transportation needs are met and that vehicles are properly used by proper logistics planning.确保运输需求的满足并且按照物流计划合理使用车辆.

6. Ensure smooth running of the warehouse(s) belonging to the company or to outsource providers.确保公司的或客户供应商的库房运转流畅.

7. Ensure that issuing of orders and signing of logistic agreements takes place in correspondence with the principles and procedures of the company.确保物流订单的和合约的签署遵循公司的规定程序.

8. Analyze market and delivery conditions, write reports based on market research to ensure present and future material (stock) availability.基于市场调研报告, 分析市场与交货条件以确保目前和未来的物料(库存的)可行性.

9. Provide instructions on how to deal with material and equipment and ensure the liquidation of surplus material.对物料和设备的处理给予指导以确保能够合理处理过剩的物料.

10. Observe work operation, operation sequence and space arrangements to ensure effective steps for new equipment installation; accordingly and based on documents, evaluate suitability of installation of new or improved office machines.通过观测工作运转、运转次序和余地安排来确保新设备的有效安装; 基于文件情况,评估新的或改进的办公用计算机的安装适宜性.

11. Ensure that all logistics and personnel activities adhere to safety, fire prevention and environmental protection regulations and to legal standards.确保所有物流流程及员工的行为都严格遵从安全, 防火和环境保护的准则与法律规定.

12. Ensure the accuracy of the stock and keep the material and product in order. 确保仓库库存数据的准确性(包括所有的原材料和产品,并保持有序状态.)

13. Ensure the scrap material handling to comply with the principles and procedures of the company.确保废品处理按照公司的规章制度执行.

14. Select, evaluate and recommend forwarders and carriers that meet the desired standards, defined by company procedures and the group pool purchasing department.根据公司流程和集团采购部门的需求标准,挑选、评估和推荐代运公司和运送公司.

15. Continuously try to increase the accuracy of stock reporting so as to improve production planning and departmental efficiency.持续努力提高库存汇报的准确性以改进生产计划和部门效率.

16. Ensure that all health and safety requirements are met within the warehouse area so as to minimize the possibility of accidents.负责达标库房所有的健康安全要求以最小化意外事故可能性.

17. Manage BaaN transactions of raw materials and finished goods so as to monitor stock levels and delivery times.处理原料和成品的BAAN交易以监控库存量和发货时间.

18. Ensure all the loading and unloading procedures are followed at all times so as to minimize any inaccuracies and damages to goods and spare parts.确保所有装卸工作的流程正确性, 以最大范围减少货物和备件的损坏.

19. Organize the transportation of components and ICM’s between external warehouses and the plant, in order to maintain the desired stock levels and minimize delays.负责配件和冰柜在外部仓库到工厂间的运输, 以保证需求库存量和控制滞迟现象.

20. Supervise the information register system of materials according to company requirements, policies and procedures, in order to provide quick and exact data for the cost-accounting system.根据公司的要求, 政策和流程来管理物料信息储存系统, 以快速准确提供数据给成本会计系统.

21. Ensure that the stock movement systems as well as all other company procedures are followed, and implements cost saving and safety improvement modifications.确保库存运转系统的正常和其它公司流程的严格执行, 同时贯彻成本和安全改进措施.

22. Maintain proper records of raw materials and ICM’s flow documents so as to monitor their location and improve scheduling.备份存档原料记录和冰柜的文件以监控它们的所在地和改进时间计划表.

23. Ensure that ICM’s to be shipped outside Europe have on time the necessary clearance service so as to avoid any delays.确保冰柜准时运送出欧洲以避免任何滞迟现象.

24. Ensure the proper use and cost effectiveness of forklifts so as to minimize expenses and improve departmental operation.确保合理经济地使用叉车以使开支最小化并改善部门运转情况.

25. Initiate actions to improve quality and effectiveness of warehousing processes.善于主动采取行动提高仓库管理的质量和高效性.

26. Monitor the driving skills of forklift drivers and ensure that they have the required certifications/licenses to drive these vehicles, so as to ensure the safety of the users and their colleagues as well as compliance with local legislation.管控叉车司机的驾驶技术并确认其持有资格证书, 从而保证驾驶者自身及其同事的安全并且遵循当地法律条款.

27. Ensure that all company safety, fire prevention and related regulations are known and followed by the staff.确保员工了解并严格遵循公司的安全、防火及相关规定.

28. Ensure the security of all company assets and property, and that security policies are followed.确保公司所有资产的安全, 并确保公司严格遵循安全政策.

29. Co-operate with the purchasing supervisors to ensure that all materials are available on time, with appropriate quantities and quality.与采购主管合作来确保所有物料运送的准时性、准确性和质量性.